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This setup is only for running the tutorials. If you are using MedPerf with a real benchmark and real experiments, skip to this section to optionally change your container runner. Then, follow the tutorials as a general guidance for your real experiments.

Install the MedPerf Client

If this is your first time using MedPerf, install the MedPerf client library as described here.

Run a Local MedPerf Server

For this tutorial, you should spawn a local MedPerf server for the MedPerf client to communicate with. Note that this server will be hosted on your localhost and not on the internet.

  1. Install the server requirements ensuring you are in MedPerf's root folder:

    pip install -r server/requirements.txt
    pip install -r server/test-requirements.txt
  2. Run the local MedPerf server using the following command:

    cd server
    cp .env.local.local-auth.sqlite .env

The local MedPerf server now is ready to recieve requests. You can always stop the server by pressing CTRL+C in the terminal where you ran the server.

After that, you will be configuring the MedPerf client to communicate with the local MedPerf server. Make sure you continue following the instructions in a new terminal.

Configure the MedPerf Client

The MedPerf client can be configured by creating or modifying "profiles". A profile is a set of configuration parameters used by the client during runtime. By default, the profile named default will be active.

The default profile is preconfigured so that the client communicates with the main MedPerf server ( For the purposes of the tutorial, you will be using the local profile as it is preconfigured so that the client communicates with the local MedPerf server.

To activate the local profile, run the following command:

medperf profile activate local

You can always check which profile is active by running:

medperf profile ls

To view the current active profile's configured parameters, you can run the following:

medperf profile view

Choose the Container Runner

You can configure the MedPerf client to use either Docker or Singularity. The local profile is configured to use Docker. If you want to use MedPerf with Singularity, modify the local profile configured parameters by running the following:

medperf profile set --platform singularity

This command will modify the platform parameter of the currently activated profile.

What's Next?

The local MedPerf server now is ready to recieve requests, and the MedPerf client is ready to communicate. Depending on your role, you can follow these hands-on tutorials: