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Hands-on Tutorial for Bechmark Committee


In this guide, you will learn how a user can use MedPerf to create a benchmark. The key tasks can be summarized as follows:

  1. Implement a valid workflow.
  2. Develop a demo dataset.
  3. Test your workflow.
  4. Submitting the MLCubes to the MedPerf server.
  5. Host the demo dataset.
  6. Submit the benchmark to the MedPerf server.

It's assumed that you have already set up the general testing environment as explained in the installation and setup guide.

Before You Start

First steps

Running in cloud via Github Codespaces

As the most easy way to play with the tutorials you can launch a preinstalled Codespace cloud environment for MedPerf by clicking this link:

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Running in local environment

To start experimenting with MedPerf through this tutorial on your local machine, you need to start by following these quick steps:

  1. Install Medperf
  2. Set up Medperf

Prepare the Local MedPerf Server

For the purpose of the tutorial, you have to initialize a local MedPerf server with a fresh database and then create the necessary entities that you will be interacting with. To do so, run the following: (make sure you are in MedPerf's root folder)

cd server
python --demo benchmark
cd ..

Download the Necessary files

A script is provided to download all the necessary files so that you follow the tutorial smoothly. Run the following: (make sure you are in MedPerf's root folder)

sh tutorials_scripts/

This will create a workspace folder medperf_tutorial where all necessary files are downloaded. The folder contains the following content:

Toy content description

In this tutorial we will create a benchmark that classifies chest X-Ray images.

Demo Data

The medperf_tutorial/demo_data/ folder contains the demo dataset content.

  • images/ folder includes sample images.
  • labels/labels.csv provides a basic ground truth markup, indicating the class each image belongs to.

The demo dataset is a sample dataset used for the development of your benchmark and used by Model Owners for the development of their models. More details are available in the section below

Data Preparator MLCube

The medperf_tutorial/data_preparator/ contains a DataPreparator MLCube that you must implement. This MLCube: - Transforms raw data into a format convenient for model consumption, such as converting DICOM images into numpy tensors, cropping patches, normalizing columns, etc. It's up to you to define the format that is handy for future models. - Ensures its output is in a standardized format, allowing Model Owners/Developers to rely on its consistency.

Model MLCube

The medperf_tutorial/model_custom_cnn/ is an example of a Model MLCube. You need to implement a reference model which will be used by data owners to test the compatibility of their data with your pipeline. Also, Model Developers joining your benchmark will follow the input/output specifications of this model when building their own models.

Metrics MLCube

The medperf_tutorial/metrics/ houses a Metrics MLCube that processes ground truth data, model predictions, and computes performance metrics - such as classification accuracy, loss, etc. After a Dataset Owner runs the benchmark pipeline on their data, these final metric values will be shared with you as the Benchmark Owner.

In real life all the listed artifacts and files have to be created on your own. However, for tutorial's sake you may use this toy data.

Login to the Local MedPerf Server

The local MedPerf server is pre-configured with a dummy local authentication system. Remember that when you are communicating with the real MedPerf server, you should follow the steps in this guide to login. For the tutorials, you should not do anything.

You are now ready to start!

1. Implement a Valid Workflow

Benchmark Committee implements MLCubes for workflow The implementation of a valid workflow is accomplished by implementing three MLCubes:

  1. Data Preparator MLCube: This MLCube will transform raw data into a dataset ready for the AI model execution. All data owners willing to participate in this benchmark will have their data prepared using this MLCube. A guide on how to implement data preparation MLCubes can be found here.

  2. Reference Model MLCube: This MLCube will contain an example model implementation for the desired AI task. It should be compatible with the data preparation MLCube (i.e., the outputs of the data preparation MLCube can be directly fed as inputs to this MLCube). A guide on how to implement model MLCubes can be found here.

  3. Metrics MLCube: This MLCube will be responsible for evaluating the performance of a model. It should be compatible with the reference model MLCube (i.e., the outputs of the reference model MLCube can be directly fed as inputs to this MLCube). A guide on how to implement metrics MLCubes can be found here.

For this tutorial, you are provided with following three already implemented mlcubes for the task of chest X-ray classification. The implementations can be found in the following links: Data Preparator, Reference Model, Metrics. These mlcubes are setup locally for you and can be found in your workspace folder under data_preparator, model_custom_cnn, and metrics.

2. Develop a Demo Dataset

Benchmark Committee develops a demo dataset A demo dataset is a small reference dataset. It contains a few data records and their labels, which will be used to test the benchmark's workflow in two scenarios:

  1. It is used for testing the benchmark's default workflow. The MedPerf client automatically runs a compatibility test of the benchmark's three mlcubes prior to its submission. The test is run using the benchmark's demo dataset as input.

  2. When a model owner wants to participate in the benchmark, the MedPerf client tests the compatibility of their model with the benchmark's data preparation cube and metrics cube. The test is run using the benchmark's demo dataset as input.

For this tutorial, you are provided with a demo dataset for the chest X-ray classification workflow. The dataset can be found in your workspace folder under demo_data. It is a small dataset comprising two chest X-ray images and corresponding thoracic disease labels.

You can test the workflow now that you have the three MLCubes and the demo data. Testing the workflow before submitting any asset to the MedPerf server is usually recommended.

3. Test your Workflow

MedPerf provides a single command to test an inference workflow. To test your workflow with local MLCubes and local data, the following need to be passed to the command:

  1. Path to the data preparation MLCube manifest file: medperf_tutorial/data_preparator/mlcube/mlcube.yaml.
  2. Path to the model MLCube manifest file: medperf_tutorial/model_custom_cnn/mlcube/mlcube.yaml.
  3. Path to the metrics MLCube manifest file: medperf_tutorial/metrics/mlcube/mlcube.yaml.
  4. Path to the demo dataset data records: medperf_tutorial/demo_data/images.
  5. Path to the demo dataset data labels. medperf_tutorial/demo_data/labels.

Run the following command to execute the test ensuring you are in MedPerf's root folder:

medperf test run \
   --data_preparation "medperf_tutorial/data_preparator/mlcube/mlcube.yaml" \
   --model "medperf_tutorial/model_custom_cnn/mlcube/mlcube.yaml" \
   --evaluator "medperf_tutorial/metrics/mlcube/mlcube.yaml" \
   --data_path "medperf_tutorial/demo_data/images" \
   --labels_path "medperf_tutorial/demo_data/labels"

Assuming the test passes successfully, you are ready to submit the MLCubes to the MedPerf server.

4. Host the Demo Dataset

The demo dataset should be packaged in a specific way as a compressed tarball file. The folder stucture in the workspace currently looks like the following:

└── medperf_tutorial
    ├── demo_data
    │   ├── images
    │   └── labels

The goal is to package the folder demo_data. You must first create a file called paths.yaml. This file will provide instructions on how to locate the data records path and the labels path. The paths.yaml file should specify both the data records path and the labels path.

In your workspace directory (medperf_tutorial), create a file paths.yaml and fill it with the following:

data_path: demo_data/images
labels_path: demo_data/labels


The paths are determined by the Data Preparator MLCube's expected input path.

After that, the workspace should look like the following:

└── medperf_tutorial
    ├── demo_data
    │   ├── images
    │   └── labels
    ├── paths.yaml

Finally, compress the required assets (demo_data and paths.yaml) into a tarball file by running the following command:

cd medperf_tutorial
tar -czf demo_data.tar.gz demo_data paths.yaml
cd ..

And that's it! Now you have to host the tarball file (demo_data.tar.gz) on the internet.

For the tutorial to run smoothly, the file is already hosted at the following URL:

If you wish to host it by yourself, you can find the list of supported options and details about hosting files in this page.

Finally, now after having the MLCubes submitted and the demo dataset hosted, you can submit the benchmark to the MedPerf server.

5. Submitting the MLCubes

Benchmark Committee submits MLCubes

How does MedPerf Recognize an MLCube?

The MedPerf server registers an MLCube as metadata comprised of a set of files that can be retrieved from the internet. This means that before submitting an MLCube you have to host its files on the internet. The MedPerf client provides a utility to prepare the files of an MLCube that need to be hosted. You can refer to this page if you want to understand what the files are, but using the utility script is enough.

To prepare the files of the three MLCubes, run the following command ensuring you are in MedPerf's root folder:

python scripts/ --mlcube medperf_tutorial/data_preparator/mlcube --mlcube-types data-preparator
python scripts/ --mlcube medperf_tutorial/model_custom_cnn/mlcube --mlcube-types model
python scripts/ --mlcube medperf_tutorial/metrics/mlcube --mlcube-types metrics

For each MLCube, this script will create a new folder named assets in the MLCube directory. This folder will contain all the files that should be hosted separately.

Host the Files

For the tutorial to run smoothly, the files are already hosted. If you wish to host them by yourself, you can find the list of supported options and details about hosting files in this page.

Submit the MLCubes

Data Preparator MLCube

Benchmark Committee submits the Data Preparator MLCube For the Data Preparator MLCube, the submission should include:

  • The URL to the hosted mlcube manifest file, which is:
  • The URL to the hosted mlcube parameters file, which is:

Use the following command to submit:

medperf mlcube submit \
    --name my-prep-cube \
    --mlcube-file "" \
    --parameters-file "" \

Reference Model MLCube

Benchmark Committee submits the reference Model MLCube For the Reference Model MLCube, the submission should include:

  • The URL to the hosted mlcube manifest file:
  • The URL to the hosted mlcube parameters file:
  • The URL to the hosted additional files tarball file:

Use the following command to submit:

medperf mlcube submit \
--name my-modelref-cube \
--mlcube-file "" \
--parameters-file "" \
--additional-file "" \

Metrics MLCube

Benchmark Committee submits the Evaluation Metrics MLCube For the Metrics MLCube, the submission should include:

  • The URL to the hosted mlcube manifest file:
  • The URL to the hosted mlcube parameters file:

Use the following command to submit:

medperf mlcube submit \
--name my-metrics-cube \
--mlcube-file "" \
--parameters-file "" \

Each of the three MLCubes will be assigned by a server UID. You can check the server UID for each MLCube by running:

medperf mlcube ls --mine

Next, you will learn how to host the demo dataset.

6. Submit your Benchmark

Benchmark Committee submits the Benchmark Metadata You need to keep at hand the following information:

  • The Demo Dataset URL. Here, the URL will be:
  • The server UIDs of the three MLCubes can be found by running:
 medperf mlcube ls
  • For this tutorial, the UIDs are as follows:
  • Data preparator UID: 1
  • Reference model UID: 2
  • Evaluator UID: 3

You can create and submit your benchmark using the following command:

medperf benchmark submit \
   --name tutorial_bmk \
   --description "MedPerf demo bmk" \
   --demo-url "" \
   --data-preparation-mlcube 1 \
   --reference-model-mlcube 2 \
   --evaluator-mlcube 3 \

The MedPerf client will first automatically run a compatibility test between the MLCubes using the demo dataset. If the test is successful, the benchmark will be submitted along with the compatibility test results.


The benchmark will stay inactive until the MedPerf server admin approves your submission.

That's it! You can check your benchmark's server UID by running:

medperf benchmark ls --mine

The end of the tutorial

Cleanup (Optional)

You have reached the end of the tutorial! If you are planning to rerun any of the tutorials, don't forget to cleanup:

  • To shut down the local MedPerf server: press CTRL+C in the terminal where the server is running.

  • To cleanup the downloaded files workspace (make sure you are in the MedPerf's root directory):

rm -fr medperf_tutorial
  • To cleanup the local MedPerf server database: (make sure you are in the MedPerf's root directory)
cd server
  • To cleanup the test storage:
rm -fr ~/.medperf/localhost_8000